As another season gets closer to an unfortunate close, it is always nice to look back on the short but sweet cycling season that we had. As I sit and reflect on the crazy year that 2020 was, I remember how emotionally releasing and relaxing a long ride in the hills and countryside of our beautiful part of Massachusetts felt. We all needed (I think) those moments of relief to forget and escape the situation we are in. At the same time, that makes me think a lot about the 2021 season, and some questions come to my mind. The first one for me is - what route did I like best? Also - where do I absolutely want to get back to? How do you answer those questions? What new road or route did you like best? Where do you want to go again, and even what new places do you want to ride in?
Those are difficult questions to answer, right!? However, when I sit down and think about them, what currently comes to mind is getting lost on a gravel road somewhere in Franklin county, especially in the fall. The fall in New England is a kaleidoscope of colors for the eyes! There are not many places that you can be surrounded by such vibrant reds, yellows, oranges and yes, even greens! Not to mention the sweet smell of a burning fire somewhere in the distance, and you’ve got all the makings of a classic Western Massachusetts fall ride. This is a beautiful time to ride, just as are the other seasons.