
Montague - The Town of Montague, comprised of five villages, is nestled along the Connecticut River in the upper Pioneer Valley.  Montague is a diverse area that is rich in history and culture. The town’s landscape, 31.5 square miles, is a rare combination of rolling hills, fertile farmlands, historic mills and residential villages. It is a thriving town of 8,500 people that offers a unique mixture of business and industrial opportunities, easily accessible to Route 2 and Interstate 91.


The Shea Theater, on Avenue A in Turners Falls, is an old movie house that has been restored and is now a center for performing arts. It hosts a regular program of music, dance, comedy and plays. Call 413-863-2281 for further information.

Unity Park, between First and Third streets in Turners Falls, features views of the Connecticut River, playing fields, and a playground. A low portion at the end of the narrow field along the river opposite the parking offers unoffical river access for kayaks and canoes.

Fish Ladder, operated by FirstLight Power, gives viewers a chance to watch anadromous fish such as shad as they make their journey up the Connecticut River each spring. Located at the Turners Falls dam, the viewing facility is open Wednesday through Sunday, mid-May through June, 9 am to 5 pm. Parking is available behind the Town Hall. (413) 659-3714

Carnegie Library, on Avenue A in Turners Falls, has an "Artifacts Loft" that features a small exhibit, including an early Indian arrowhead collection, local memorabilia and relics from the Revolutionary War through World War II. The free Music and Movement series for young children is held Thursdays at 10 am at a different Montague library depending on the month, check the schedule. Computers avaliable for public use. (413) 863-3214

Great Falls Discovery Center, on Avenue A in Turners Falls, is a natural history museum exploring the Connecticut River. The museum consists of murals and dioramas with animal speciments representing the different habitats along the river. Open 10 am to 4 pm seven days a week in summer, Friday and Saturday only in winter. For more information call (413) 863-3221.

Canalside Rail Trail offers cyclists, runners and others a path from First Street along the power canal almost four miles to the Deerfield rail yard.

Bitzer Fish Hatchery, is operated by the state Division of Fisheries and Wildlife and raises trout for stocking throughout the state. Located on Hatchery Road, which connects Montague and Greenfield Roads, the facility is open 9 am to 3 pm. Call (413) 367-2477 for further information.

Bridge of Names, is a wooden footbridge offering a view of the lake in the village of Lake Pleasant. The pickets along the bridge are inscribed with names of both locals and famous people.

Montague Bookmill, Books you don't need in a place you can't find.

Montague Old Home Days, held annual mid-August in Montague Center. The festivities includes games, auction, music, food and a 5.5 mile footrace called the Mug Race.

Mutton and Mead Medieval Festival, is a medieval and renaissance fair held in late June.

Great Falls Festival, Street festival featuring vendors, food, music and lit carved of pumpkins. Held in October along Avenue A in Turners Falls.

Franklin County Spring Parade, wends its way around the upper hill portion of Turners Falls each April.

Event Information

March 14

Spring Fever Pop-Up Shop

March 14

Kidleidoscope Story Hour

March 14

Nice & Easy Walks

March 14

Trivia Night

March 15

Stone Soup Community Meal

March 15

March 15

Spaghetti Dinner

March 15

All Cooped Up!