Erving has the distinction of being the last Franklin County town to be incorporated, which occurred in 1838. Physical boundaries are the Millers and Connecticut Rivers and the Towns of Northfield, Warwick and Orange. We are bisected by two major routes - Route 2, which is located on our southern boundary and Route 63, which is located on our western boundary. The town is 14.39 square miles in area with a population of approximately 1,800.

Erving State Forest, features Laurel Lake, which is open for swimming, fishing, and boating. The administration building is on Route 2A near Wendell Depot. Laurel Lake can be reached from Route 2A on Wendell Depot Road or from the center of Erving on North Street. Call 978-544-3939 for further information.
French King Bridge, along Route 2, is 750 feet long and 140 feet above the Connecticut River, connecting Erving with Gill. It offers a spectacular view of the river valley to the north and south and is a popular tourist stop during foliage season. The famous French King Rock, where French explorers claimed the territiory for their king in the 17th century, is usually visible north of the bridge. The iron bridge was constructed in 1932.
Erving Castle, on Hermit Mountain, was the cave/homesite of a well-liked hermit, John Smith, an actor from Scotland. For nearly 30 years he resided with his many cats in a primitive, hand-built wooden shack near the cave. A short distance off Route 2.